Important progress made
Although the Farm project at Bakindiki Koto is still dealing with setbacks, there is also good news to share!
Since our initial efforts for education on Jinack in 2008, when we arranged and sponsored a full team of teachers for Lower Basic education, we have made important progress. The Ministry of Education agreed to designate international funds for the construction of housing for four teachers at this remote location. And now it is time to take another step.
The first group that started Basic education in 2008, will finish group 6 this summer. To provide them with the Full Basic Circle of both Lower – and Upper Basic education, it is essential to construct another school building on Jinack.
We are pleased to report that we have come to an attractive agreement with the Permanent Secretary, Mr Baboucarr Bouy and his very active staff leaded by Project manager, Mr. Sherif Yunus Hydera.
The Ministry will start building very soon, finishing a building with three classrooms, a teachers room and a toilet block with six cubicles, around July.
Right after the rainy season our Foundation will then demolish the derelict building pictured below, replacing this with a five class-room building, and an accompanying six cubicle toilet building!
Thus, in the summer of 2015, Jinack will have its full Basic Circle Education, with two beautiful adequate school buildings, and 11 teachers.

This project is (and was) carried out with the cooperation of the National Commission for International Cooperation and Sustainable Development; The NCDO, Wilde Ganzen, ASN Foundation and many other foundations, businesses, organizations and individuals.