After announcing our foundation and objectives to the public, the following parties offered their support and services free of charge:
Stichting Dr. Hofstee
The foundation Stichting Dr. Hofstee gave a financial contribution to the project..
Stichting Vliegende Meubelmakers en Stichting Gered Gereedschap
Board members Wilma Dierx and Gerco Bruin enthusiastically are providing the furniture in cooperation with the students of the Hout- en Meubileringscollege (college of carpentry and furniture making) in Amsterdam. Seven volunteers -together with local carpenters- will fabricate this furniture on site in July 2008. Afterwards all tools will be given to the local carpenters; these tools are provided by the foundation Gered Gereedschap.
A generous financial contribution for the realisation of our project was received.
Anton Jurgens Fonds
A generous financial contribution for the realisation of our project was received.
This project is (and was) carried out with the cooperation of the National Commission for International Cooperation and Sustainable Development; The NCDO, Wilde Ganzen, ASN Foundation and many other foundations, businesses, organizations and individuals.