2BaB Foundation is a private initiative. All costs are financed by the founders themselves. This means a 100% guarantee that every penny of the donations will be destined to realize the objectives of the foundation.
Donations are, on certain condictions, tax-free. The 2BaB Foundation is officially recognized as a foundation dedicated to a good cause, and therefore considered an institution to the benefit of the public interest, with all due consequences as far as tax deduction is concerned.
Bankrelatie Van Lanschot Bankiers
Van Lanschot Bankiers
Almere, The Netherlands
Account IBAN NL24FVLB0260453315
Stichting 2BaB Foundation
Godelindeweg 22
The Netherlands
If you want to make a contribution the Dutch tax authorities will consider this as a gift. There are two types of gifts.
- regular gifts
- periodic gifts (gifts which are registered by a notary
There are different conditions for tax deduction of regular and periodic gifts.
One condition for tax deduction of a regular gift is that it has to be destined to what is called ‘Algemeen Nut Beogende Instelling’ (ANBI) -i.e. an institution that supports a general cause, such as 2BaB foundation. For more information concerning tax deduction you may consult the website of the Dutch tax authorities.
NOTICE: on the website of the Dutch tax authorities it is possible to verify the registration of our foundation as ANBI. However, their search engine is not capable of processing numbers?! Something you wouldn´t expect from the treasury, would you?
So just type: BaB Foundation, and our registration will appear!
Email: info@2BaB.org
Website: www.2BaB.org
This project is (and was) carried out with the cooperation of the National Commission for International Cooperation and Sustainable Development; The NCDO, Wilde Ganzen, ASN Foundation and many other foundations, businesses, organizations and individuals.