It is once again time for an update about the activities on Jinack, The Gambia. This update is especially directed towards the sponsors of the project and everyone who is concerned with the benefit of Jinack.
‘Mission accomplished’
The clinic has opened! After the final work inside the building had been done the clinic was opened for patients on Friday 3 July 2009, which resulted in 112 patients in four days time, one urgent hospitalization and the birth of a baby. A clear indication of the urgency of the clinic in this area, and a reason to be proud for everybody who made this possible by donating money or material!The official inauguration of the clinic will take place in the second or third week of October 2009. There will be music, dance, food and drinks, the Permanent Secretary of State for Health and a few thousand visitors present. This may be a good opportunity for sponsors who want to visit the project!
The building is fully equipped and everything is ready for use.

Staffing of the clinic
The full staff of the clinic have started their duties.
From left to right:
Sana Keita, Senior Nurse
Sana Sonko, Assistant Nurse
Nafi Manneh, Cleaner
Aminata Jammeh, Cleaner
Omar Danso, Qualified Nurse
Karamo Jammeh, Orderly/Cleaner
Salifu Janneh, Ambulance Driver/ Orderly
2BaB Foundation is proud to have accomplished its first target; with the earlier delivery of an ambulance and the construction of a clinic on the island Jinack, local health care has been achieved.
Another success was accomplished thanks to our recurrent visits to a range of Departments and other institutions: government funding was made available to build ten public toilets on Jinack and the construction has already begun. Another step forwards to improved living conditions!
2BaB Foundation does not just commit itself to the United Nation´s Millennium Development Goals (, we want to be active in the realization of all eight goals. Besides health care and education, projects aimed at the achievement of the other goals will be developed. The first preparations for these coming projects have already been made: rice seed has been purchased and land for growing maize crops has been appointed. Also, a project for poultry farming is being prepared. Of course we will regularly update you about all new developments.
Only the realization of the Millennium Goals will significantly improve the living standards on Jinack.

“This project is conducted in cooperation with the National Committee for International Cooperation and Sustainable Development.”